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How to Date To a Girl on the Street

How to Date To a Girl on the Street and Get Her to Fall in Love With You

How to Date To a Girl on the Street and Get Her to Fall in Love With You

In Part 1 of this series, I talked about the preparation work to do before we can meet beautiful women during the day. In this article I will talk about how to approach actually a woman during the day and go on a date with her.  
I'm working on my skills dating for years, but when I met Alison in New York on Monday afternoon, all of a sudden everything I had learned converged dramatically. She is a beautiful girl; the guy who always has a number of boys chasing him, wanting to do favors for her in the hope of winning.  

We went to an amazing time later that night and ended up spending a few precious hours and in the early morning before I had to jump to catch my plane to London. With the lack of sleep and severely exhausted, I could not help but keep thinking of Alison on the return trip.  

You may recognize some of the things I've described in this article as components of Love Triad model systems. Here I have tried to simplify the process and include useful tips that you can go and use today.  

It is my hope that this will be just another article you read, but something that comes to mind next time you see walking in front of you or next to you in a cafe a beautiful woman and inspires you to approach her.  

Approach and transition  

For most situations during the day appointments, especially the street, direct approaches - where you make your intentions explicit - often works best. An indirect approach, such as asking for directions or asking where a store is almost always a positive response is obtained, but you must work hard to make it go somewhere useful.  
A similar approach, "Sorry, I saw you pass me and I had to tell you that you look absolutely beautiful. What is your name?" go for zero answers, but those who do respond will score and be more likely to be charmed by you.  

In this regard, it is about not only how to start the conversation, but also give a good tone and foundation for the rest of interaction - one she knows you are potentially interested in it and not only do the idle chit chat.  

"What's your name?" is the best way to spend your opening line to a normal conversation with a woman who meet on the day. Once you exchange names with someone and shake hands, you're communicating that you are going to talk a little with them. This is the most polite and socially intelligent thing to do.  


The attraction is part of the interaction in which a woman shows that you are an interesting guy and she falls or sexually interested in you based on your social value.  

During the day, it is important that what happens in the first two minutes. In a nightclub or bar, can often show their social value or interrupted for an extended period (for example, if you realize that talking to other people in the bar before going to talk to him). But during the day, often just a quick start before she leaves his life forever.  
There are two basic rules for building attraction: you need to talk (which means they have to make statements rather than ask questions only) and have interesting things to say (meaning what you say must show the social value).  

You need to ask a question or two from the beginning as "What are you doing today?" And "What do you do for a living?" But make sure you do a lot of words between these issues.  

Remember that you are the person who directs the conversation, if you think of the topics that interest you and you can speak fluently on. Personally, I will not raise or get into a conversation about opera, golf and the entertainment industry, because I know very little about these things - I will not be able to display n 'any value and therefore build an attraction if I stay on these issues.  

However, I will try to get into conversations about travel, literature and dance, because these are the questions that I know much about and can make interesting comments on, telling stories about and have opinions about.  


The classification is part of the interaction that show a woman you're attracted to her for non-physical reasons, there are parts of your personality that you like and enjoy.  

It is important that you focus on attracting first minutes. You know when a woman is attracted to you is not enough, as it will answer your questions openly, warm smile and breathe free souls of positive body language to embrace Creative Commons, and do not make excuses to leave.  
The latter is probably the most important to consider the signal. Of course, sometimes a woman really be busy, but if you meet a woman during the day and talk to him for a few minutes and it is still there, she's probably attracted to you.  

At this point, you should begin to tell you some things you like about her beyond the physical. No need to go too deep at this point. Choose a few things that you discovered on your personality and what you do in your life that you love and tell.  

For example, you can congratulate you to be a warm person and trust, be ambitious, be driven in his career and being so passionate about one of his hobbies.  
By doing this, you let him know that it's not only your body but your mind is interested too. It is important for women to know that if she gets her more invested in you.  

So you talk to a girl you just met in the street, in a cafe or bookstore for a few minutes now. She makes no excuses for getting out and I said non-physical reasons why you like it. At this point, you should start thinking about how things will evolve with it.  

The first step is to get an appointment with you. Get a phone number is not the object of your attention! Women give their phone numbers to guys all the time to answer his texts or calls. Part of this has to do with being caught in the moment and part of that is to avoid social awkwardness.  

So after talking with her WWF a few minutes, you must think you're talking more with a glass of coffee. Try to create something for later that day, if possible, or if not in the coming days.  

If a woman does not commit to what is probably not very interested in you. Spend your time she and her running with ping messages for a long time, but there is a strong possibility that you will be wasting your time.  
Ideally, and especially if you want to get the physical stuff on the first date, you want a drink somewhere with her wait night. Try to choose a location that is close enough to their place, but not massively on the way for her to get one.  

If she seems hesitant, it is bound by the time (or you) or if you feel you do not know enough to ask her out for a drink, a date for coffee during the day can be a less intense alternative.


Comfort is part of the interaction in which to build an emotional connection with a woman. This is done by sharing the details of his life with her and hear the details of his life.  

Once a woman is attracted to you and you have shown that you feel attracted to it by non-physical and physical reasons, establishing the emotional connection is what you will feel sufficiently move things physically comfortable with you.  

Start by becoming interested in learning more about it. What do you do for work, and in his spare time for fun? Keep the light from the beginning, then get a little more specific: what kind of music you like, what your favorite movies, it usually do on weekends? They relate their experiences and emotions with his.  

The key here is to focus on emotions, not facts. While the attraction is much more on the surface and the factual details of the experience, comfort is more about the emotions behind something. For example, if you like playing the guitar, why? How do you feel? Is there something you do in your life that makes you feel like you can talk to?  

Over time, you can get a little more personal. We can speak of ambitions, passions and what is important to you two of each. Not enter into serious and precise conversations about past relationships or the history of the family again. You do not want to go too deep, too soon.  

After a couple of hours getting to know each other emotionally, it should feel comfortable enough to go further with you. Ask him if he would like a glass in place. Not too much in the results: if she says yes, great. If not, maybe she is just not ready yet. No rush. If she is still interested, you will see again in the near future.  

In the next and final part of this series, I'll talk about how to build and maintain a relationship after meeting and slept with a woman for the first time.  
How to Date To a Girl on the Street and Get Her to Fall in Love With You

How to Date To a Girl on the Street and Get Her to Fall in Love With You

How to Date To a Girl on the Street and Get Her to Fall in Love With You

How to Date To a Girl on the Street and Get Her to Fall in Love With You

How to Date To a Girl on the Street and Get Her to Fall in Love With You

How to Date To a Girl on the Street and Get Her to Fall in Love With You

How to Date To a Girl on the Street and Get Her to Fall in Love With You

How to Date To a Girl on the Street and Get Her to Fall in Love With You

How to Date To a Girl on the Street and Get Her to Fall in Love With You

How to Date To a Girl on the Street and Get Her to Fall in Love With You

How to Date To a Girl on the Street and Get Her to Fall in Love With You

How to Date To a Girl on the Street and Get Her to Fall in Love With You

How to Date To a Girl on the Street and Get Her to Fall in Love With You

How to Date To a Girl on the Street and Get Her to Fall in Love With You

How to Date To a Girl on the Street and Get Her to Fall in Love With You

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